We’re Ready!

Or at least better prepared. Experience from past major fire events have shown us that RFS resources would be stretched in any future major fire event.

In order to build community resiliency and preparedness, The Western Foreshores Fire Brigade have focussed their effort on reinvigorating the CFU (Community Fire Units) — one of the largest in NSW with 65 members and more applications in the pipeline.

With the Western Foreshores divided into 21 Neighbourhoods, the CFU were tasked with organising “Get Ready” events.


A total of 18 (out of 21) Neighbourhoods held “Get Ready” events between August-November. This is an outstanding result. Well done everyone — it’s been a great success!


The event served as a great way to familiarise residents with their neighbour’s fire-fighting assets and maybe even instigated some well overdue maintenance on pumps and equipment! It was also an opportunity for residents to create or update their Fire Fighting Asset Inventory and Schematic. The sharing of information was flowing on various topics. The new Fire Danger Rating and how to use the Hazards Near Me App were well received. The RFS supplied “Get Ready” packs proved to be very useful in helping residents in making crucial decisions on what, why, how, and when for the alternate choice: leave early, or stay and defend if prepared. Roof sprinkler systems were also of interest in some neighbourhoods.


And of course, it would not be an offshore event if it were not celebrated with some delicious food and a drink to complete a very informative and important social event.

Thank you to all of the Coordinators who wrangled neighbourhoods to make this success possible. Your efforts and support will go a long way to making us more prepared for the fire season ahead.

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