Soggy and Boggy

Following an alert from Heather Loewenthal with regard to a degraded section of the Chase Trail around North Lovett Bay, National Parks Ranger Luke McSweeney visited the site near Gil Croft’s track entrance. He confirmed that the heavy rains of the past two years had made the section a priority for repair, confirmed it was on NPWS estate, and reported that he had asked his FAFT team to put it on their radar for improvement. The FAFT (Fire Access and Fire Trail Program) project manager then inspected this wet areas on the Chase Trail and sourced a quote for repair.

Luke now reports that this has been successful. Unfortunately there won’t be money in this year’s budget but its likely to be done in the next financial year.

Local resident Jennifer Knox walked the Trail this week and while confirming the need for this repair commented very favourably on the work that National Parks and Wildlife have done on the track to date. Take a bow National Parks.

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