It’s So Last Century

Local resident Karen Lambert has many strings to her bow. Apart from being an architect she is also a trained singer and dancer and is currently Set Designer for the upcoming production “It’s So Last Century” by Endangered Productions.

Karen Lambert

Karen has been involved with Endangered Productions for about 6 years which is a Not for Profit theatre company that focuses on rarely performed musical gems.

“This current show has three 10 minute opera pieces in the first half of the program. These are a bit like film shorts, a snapshot of a situation.” Karen explains. “The second part is a short opera/pantomime by Carl Orff” 

Karen sees the theatre company working in the same way as the Offshore Community in that it relies on the generosity and talent of volunteers.

Endangered Productions have been given the use of a professional theatre space – the ACO space at Pier 2 – “which is a luxury in some ways but it does mean the bump in an out and performance season is pretty fast.” says Karen. But as she’s quick to point out “managing the logistics of city traffic is way easier than water access only.”

Imagination is the stuff of theatre and the costuming – a mix of recycle/reuse/repurpose/loan and self sufficiency – relies on it. The Endangered Productions costume store was supplemented by Karen’s Lovett Bay clothing vault, especially the coats.

“The colour and movement and sound takes us through the boomer period (with a bit of swinger action), to end up in fable and fantasy.” says Karen

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