Q&A with Ron Theissen

BAYSNEWS: This month we are talking to Ron Thiessen, artist, musician and sometime sailor. Ron, can you briefly describe who you are, what you do and where you live?
RON: I live in Elvina Bay with my partner. I am a scenic artist working at the Sydney Theatre Company and I’m also a part time musician with the “Flaming Doghouse Band” and “The Gentlys”

BAYSNEWS: Thank you for that. Ok, question time, please. What made you choose the offshore life?
RON: I’ve always enjoyed being in the bush and sailing so after many years of inner city living it was time to embrace those things as much as l could and this place has the best of both.

BAYSNEWS: What is your idea of perfect happiness?
RON: Being able to sleep in on a Saturday morning, seeing a beautiful sunrise from the bedroom window and not having to be anywhere else for a change.

BAYSNEWS: What is your greatest fear?
RON: I don’t really have a greatest fear. I think I have come to terms with fact you can only control certain events that happen to you along life’s journey. The challenges and the good times seem to come and go. The art is managing that as best you can.

BAYSNEWS: What is the trait you most dislike in yourself?
RON: Procrastination

BAYSNEWS: What is the trait you most dislike in others?
RON: Selfishness

BAYSNEWS: Which person (living or deceased) do you most admire, and why?
RON: There are a few I can’t decide on one person only but my short list would include Keith Richards and the Dalai Lama

BAYSNEWS: Which person (living or deceased) to you most despise, and why?
RON: Adolf Hitler – if I have to name a particular person – as he was ultimately responsible for so much chaos, misery and destruction. Vladimir Putin is a close second.

BAYSNEWS: What is your greatest achievement?
RON: I don’t think I’ve reached that yet.

BAYSNEWS: What is your greatest regret?
RON: Loosing contact with people that have had a positive effect in my life

BAYSNEWS: Which talent would you most like to have?
RON: To be a better guitar player

BAYSNEWS: What is your motto?
RON: “The more you own the less you understand.“

BAYSNEWS: You’ve had an interesting musical career. What was the standout moment?
RON: I would have to say that the highlight of my musical career was, as a member of the Uncanny X Men, receiving a gold and platinum award for the first album we recorded. I contributed to the songwriting on that album and at the time it felt like a vindication because we weren’t the coolest band to come out of Melbourne.

BAYSNEWS: Thanks Ron, we look forward to hearing more of your music in the bays.

Note: This Q&A was adapted from Antionette Faure’s 1886 questionnaire. It was made famous by its first contributor, Marcel Proust, and is now known as the Proust Questionnaire. Of course.

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