Q&A with Richard Unsworth

BAYSNEWS: Our Q & A is with Richard Unsworth – gardener extraordinaire and part owner of historic Trincomalee.  Richard, can you tell us a bit about yourself.
RICHARD:I’m one of the custodians of Trincomalee, together with partner Greg – we’ve loved being part time members of the community since 2016.

I’m a garden designer by trade, and restoring the garden surrounding the house continues to be a joy, and all the bush regeneration learnings that come with it.

We live in Paddington during the week and come up to Pittwater as often as we can.  Our dog Betty is part of the family, and she loves her trips to Bayview dog park and being brave and jumping in at the end of the jetty.

BAYSNEWS: Thank you for that. Ok, question time. What is your idea of perfect happiness?
RICHARD:  Any time spent in the glorious nature surrounding us in Pittwater – whether a morning swim at full tide up Salvation Creek, a kayak into morning bay or a simple bushwalk.  Then a simple lunch outdoors, watching the world float by

BAYSNEWS: What is your greatest fear?
RICHARD:Usually that I won’t get something I want or I’ll lose something that I have – but I suffer from FOMO quite a bit.  I hate funnelwebs but love how the kookaburras love to eat them.

BAYSNEWS: What is the trait you most dislike in yourself?
RICHARD:I can be a bit of a control freak which isn’t fun for anyone – I’m also somewhat a recovering perfectionist, thankfully becoming aware that beauty is all in the imperfections and unpredictable

BAYSNEWS: What is the trait you most dislike in others?
RICHARD:pomposity, ignorance – people who crap on about themselves too much

BAYSNEWS: Which person (living or deceased) do you most admire, and why?
RICHARD: I admire the people that do good deeds without shouting out about them, that are generous and kind without expectation of return, and we have plenty of these in our community, the quiet achievers.  From a ‘celebrity’ point of view I admire Bob Brown and his constant fight against deforestation and habitat loss, his fight for human rights and his ability to stand up to the haters.

BAYSNEWS: Which person (living or deceased) to you most despise, and why?
RICHARD: gosh this is very personal – I guess Hitler is an easy one – but I also hate hearing Mariah Carey at Christmas time.

BAYSNEWS: What is your greatest achievement?
RICHARD: Getting sober.  One of the most difficult but necessary things I’ve had to do – and it’s been transformational, and a huge journey of learning and discovery.

BAYSNEWS: What is your greatest regret?
RICHARD:  It’s not my greatest regret – I actually don’t think I have many at all – one small one is that I haven’t yet learned to be a competent sailor – it’s on the list, I’m too busy gardening.

BAYSNEWS: Which talent would you most like to have?
RICHARD:   see above – I’d also like to take up an instrument, and still fantasise about being able to play guitar – or some instrument rather averagely

BAYSNEWS: What is your motto?
RICHARD:   One day at a time

BAYSNEWS: Your passion is gardening.  Was this something you always had or did it come from another place/influence?  What sort of journey has it taken you on?
My parents were keen hobby gardeners in Yorkshire, and we had great supplies of tomatoes, all kinds of berries and rhubarb.  We earned pocket money by mowing lawns and clipping hedges, and early on I had a gardening business looking after neighbours’ gardens.    However my first job in the local garden centre was a miserable one in winter, and I couldn’t see how I could make a living from it over there.  When I came to Australia, after a few years ‘being on holiday’ I went to study at Ryde TAFE and the professional journey began.

BAYSNEWS: Thank you for that Richard.  We all look forward to keeping up to date on your gardening news and the eagerly anticipated symposium on composting and mulching.

Note: This Q&A was adapted from Antionette Faure’s 1886 questionnaire. It was made famous by its first contributor, Marcel Proust, and is now known as the Proust Questionnaire. Of course.

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