Q & A with Jess Innes

BAYSNEWS:  This month we’re talking to Jess Innes from Elvina Bay. Jess, for those who don’t know you, can you tell us a bit about yourself?
JESS: Hi everyone! I’m Jess and I have lived in beautiful Elvina bay since 2017 with my [now] husband Chris! I am the founding director of 100% DANCE company which teaches dance to over 300 students weekly from children to pre-professionals and we also have an in house talent management service and entertainment company providing dancers, choreographers and creative direction for film, television and events. If I wasn’t dancing I would be skiing and have previously lived in Japan and Whistler working as a ski instructor. Chris and I actually met on a chairlift and were married in the NSW snowy mountains last year – we skied down the hill into our ceremony! I’m passionate about equality, education and our beautiful environment and am always up for a chat, so say g’day if you see me around the bay!

BAYSNEWS: What made you choose the offshore life?
JESS: Chris and I were living in Mona Vale and had often looked at the offshore communities longingly, however we didn’t have a boat to commute with so it felt like a far away dream. However, one day I awoke from a nap to an excited Chris telling me he had bought a commuter boat off a family friend… so now we could go and live in Pittwater paradise! We both love nature and were looking to be more present in our surroundings. Living in Elvina Bay means you know the tides, the weather, the wildlife and your neighbours because you are so immersed in your environment.

BAYSNEWS:  What is your idea of perfect happiness?
JESS: Sandy toes [I call them cutlet toes], Campfire hair, The smell of Jasmine in springtime, belly laughs, true love and a good book you can’t put down.

BAYSNEWS: What is your greatest fear?
JESS: FOMO! Fear of missing out

BAYSNEWS: What is the trait you most dislike in yourself?
JESS: Forgetting my car keys when I’ve gotten to the mainland and realizing I have to go all the way back across the water to get them.. only offshore residents could relate to this!

BAYSNEWS: What is the trait you most dislike in others?
JESS: Unkindness – kindness and compassion are free to give but make such a big difference to those you give them to.

BAYSNEWS:  Is there anyone whose footsteps you would like to follow?
JESS: I believe we all have our own paths to blaze but I am very inspired by female entrepreneurs [both small and large] with my favourite being Lady Gaga! I’m also forever inspired by my partner, friends and family!

BAYSNEWS: What is your greatest achievement?
JESS: Living a life that I am excited to jump out of bed for every day.

BAYSNEWS: What is your greatest regret?
JESS: I honestly don’t believe in having regrets – You can’t change the past but simply learn from it. A great learning in life for me has been to never hold back for fear of what other people think – Go for it!

BAYSNEWS: Which talent would you most like to have?
JESS: I’d love to be trilingual within my lifetime and able to speak fluent Japanese and Spanish!

BAYSNEWS: What is your motto?
JESS: Be the change you wish to see in the world

BAYSNEWS:  Jess, you’re about to have a baby – your first child.  How do you feel about bringing up a baby here?  What are the pros and cons.
JESS: This bub is one lucky little ducky to grow up in such a magical place. I feel very supported by our lovely community and I think a childhood in Elvina bay strips life back to the really important stuff. I will always remember pulling into Elvina bay for the first time and seeing children jumping off the jetty into the water in the sunshine and it will be a pretty incredible full circle moment when we watch our own children doing the same. There are challenges to every lifestyle but when people ask what we do about getting on the boat when it rains… the answer is simply “we just get wet”.

Note: This Q&A was adapted from Antionette Faure’s 1886 questionnaire. It was made famous by its first contributor, Marcel Proust, and is now known as the Proust Questionnaire. Of course.

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