Q & A with Angela Cooney

BAYSNEWS: This month we’re talking to Angela Cooney.  Angela, for those who don’t know you, can you tell us a bit about yourself
ANGELA:   I’m a country girl at heart, born in Murray Bridge South Australia, of German migrant parents. It was an interesting childhood growing up in an environment with my parents desperately trying to assimilate into Aussie country life. Actually, I was proud of my heritage and proud of my name (Asenstorfer) and grew up comfortable with being ‘a little bit different’. In my later teens I moved to the big smoke and studied Zoology and Psychology at Adelaide University, segueing into Business Management and Marketing. It was at Adelaide Uni where I met my life partner, Marcus – he was studying Dentistry. After our first years of working in Adelaide, his career took us to Singapore where we ended up spending 25 years, enjoying this exotic tropical metropolis, living, working and raising our children Remington and Alice.
When choosing to leave Singapore and deciding on the next season of our life, it was complete happenstance that brought us to beautiful Pittwater and Elvina Bay.

BAYSNEWS:  What made you choose the offshore life?
ANGELA: Although, we enjoyed our life in Singapore I needed to move on from living in a concrete jungle and yearned for space, nature and a more simple life. I guess, a move back to my country roots in a way! Living on the water adjacent to acres of national park with its variety of wild life, the space, solitude and simplicity – Pittwater ticked all the boxes.

BAYSNEWS: What is your idea of perfect happiness?
ANGELA:   Living here!

BAYSNEWS:  What is your greatest fear?
ANGELA: Having to leave here prematurely ……..different to choosing to leave!

BAYSNEWS:  What is the trait you most dislike in yourself?
ANGELA: My perfectionism. It’s taken me a life’s journey and much spiritual searching to be able to let go of that conditioning and realise everything and anything at any one time is exactly how it should be;  perfectly attuned to what we need to learn. Not striving and straining, but just ‘Being’ with no effort. The key is acceptance and patience.

BAYSNEWS:  What is the trait you most dislike in others?
ANGELA: Dishonesty. Sometimes it’s really hard to tell the truth – and we might hold back in fear of hurting the other person. But lying is the easy way out and doesn’t sit well with either party – it takes courage to be honest with yourself and others.

BAYSNEWS:  Which person (living or deceased) do you most admire, and why?
ANGELA: No one in particular stands out – I feel there is something to be admired in everyone. We are all interconnected and on the same journey through life, just doing it in our different ways with different skill sets.

BAYSNEWS:  What is your greatest achievement?
ANGELA: Definitely the move to Singapore, with a 3 year old (Rem) and an 18 month old (Alice) and holding onto a dream of making a successful life for ourselves in a strange country. Complicated by the fact, that at the time, there was a very protective fraternity of local dentists, not wanting a foreigner moving into their territory. There were many instances, we almost gave up only to be presented with yet another opportunity to keep us on the path. A huge learning experience, understanding that obstacles in life are really our tools for growth. Our positive influence on dental care in Singapore is the legacy we have left there, with Smile Focus, the Dental Clinic we set up, still thriving. At its height we managed 15 Dentists and 35 support staff. Some of the original staff we employed over 35 years ago are still there!

BAYSNEWS:  What is your greatest regret?
ANGELA: There are no regrets in life. I am a great believer that everything is exactly as it should be. There is a greater force acting beyond the limitations of our mind – we have no idea of the vastness of the consciousness that guides us. Life is magical, mysterious and so awesome. There is no space for guilt or regret.

BAYSNEWS:  Which talent would you most like to have?
ANGELA: I would love to be able to sing. I guess everyone is able to sing – so what I mean is have an amazing voice to really belt out those tunes.

BAYSNEWS: What is your motto for living?
ANGELA: Acceptance and Patience. One by one all is coming.

BAYSNEWS: : You teach Tai Chi to the people in the Bays.  What made you take up this form of meditative exercise in the first place and who was your teacher?
ANGELA: I started learning Tai Chi in Adelaide in my 20’s but moved into Yoga and studied to be a Yoga Instructor instead. Yoga was more popular and attracted a younger age group. Tai Chi seemed to be for ‘old people’! While living in Singapore I gained a greater appreciation for Tai Chi and its roots in martial arts and my interest was rekindled. Tai Chi is actually Kung Fu in slow motion. Tai Chi is practiced to improve your health, while in Kung Fu, the same moves are executed quickly for self-dense. Both Kung Fu and Tai Chi have the same meditative component – there is motion in stillness and stillness in motion.
I currently have several Masters, each offering their own area of expertise:
Master Wing Cheung – Tai Chi, Qigong and Fengshui
Master Gordon W.T Pang– Taoist meditation and philosophy
Master Paul Lam – Tai Chi for Health
Master Si Yan He – Warrior Shaolin Monk, Kung Fu Sword

BAYSNEWS:   What do you hope to impart to your students?
ANGELA: The philosophy of Taosim in which Tai Chi has its roots is a very beautiful teaching based on the Laws of Nature; in particular the power of the elements of Nature – Heaven (sky), Earth, Fire, Water and as humans we forget that we are part of Nature. The harmony and peace we continually search for is actually with us in every moment. All we need to do is be aware of it. Tai Chi with its slow controlled movements executed with focus and intention assists in cultivating this connection with Nature – the Universal Chi.

BAYSNEWS:   Who or what is the most precious thing in your life?
ANGELA: Without any hesitation it is my wonderful husband Marcus. To love and be loved in return is the most precious gift of all.

The Cooney Family

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