New Wildlife Cameras in Action

The first phase of the Possum Project Project’s 2021 Schedule has been completed with 5 households each having a camera for over 4 weeks to monitor their nesting box. Local Coasters Retreat residents Andrew and Nina Warden downloaded photos a number of photos including a mega possum and a bush rat.

To identify the bush rat, reference was made to a camera sighting in October 2017 where a similar photo was the subject of discussion. Alf Britton, (our Box Maker and keen Naturalist) thought it was a Pygmy Possum but Brad Law (Principal Research Scientist Forest Science Unit UNSW) thought it was a bush rat. Andrew is leaning on the side of the bush rat in this instance.

Andrew also commented that he had moved the camera to a Paperbark as the previous camera site (Banksia) had unfortunately died, and the camera and the new site were both proving to be productive.

Finally – with the scheduled changeover for the cameras coming we have also reached the end of our Northern Beaches Council Community Grant money. A final thanks to the gang at NBC for their support.

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