Festive Fitness Fun

The most common reason people neglect their Health and Fitness is they lack time. Do you think your fitness is worth 3% of your time each day? The answer must be Yes! This equates to 45mins of exercise… and you can boost your Fitness significantly by committing to this by training just 3 days per week.

So, this month’s article is less talk and more action from you!

Go ahead, try my at home 45min workout… all you need are 2 full water bottles (or dumbbells), watch the workout on your smart device and follow the moves. If you need a rest during the session, simply press pause and continue when you’re ready.

All the best to you and your families and have a Fit, Fun Festive season, see you in 2023.

Story by Andy Derijk – 0418 613 890

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